Top 10 Indian Comic Book Characters


Top 10 Indian Comic Book Characters

Comic books stir up happy childhood memories and they are 100 million dollar industry in India. Comics have made a comeback in the last decade and with the conclusion of second Comic Con in October 2012, the industry has matured from its early years and has come a long way. Indian comic industry is probably dominated by foreign comics for the most part, but there are many indigenous characters that have huge fan base in Indian than their western counterpart. Here is a compilation of Top 10 Indian comic book characters.

7Akbar Birbal

Akbar Birbal-Indian Comic Book Characters

Akbar, the emperor and Birbal, his top minister are one of the most beloved characters with adults and children alike. Many stories published by many publishing houses of India are very mirthful and gives us a glimpse of great camaraderie shared by two of them. These stories are primarily morality tales that are very useful for parents to teach their kids important values of life. These stores have largely become part of Indian folk tradition. Birbal was the most trusted advisor of the Mughal emperor Akbar. They are one of the most published characters in India and they have found their way in to modern movies and television cartoon series.


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